IT Services for Government, Education & Nonprofits

Organizations in the public sector should build a relationship with an IT provider that is trusted by federal and local government agencies, utilities, and learning environments. They should also have experience with industry associations, nonprofits, institutions, and universities.

Using Technology to Enable Your Mission Statement

Public and nonprofit organizations need to keep up with private companies by providing customer-friendly experiences with easy access to digital services, automated processes, and personalization. At the same time, security and data privacy can’t be ignored. Outdated IT infrastructure and underutilized data can hamper your ability to deliver high-quality service, preventing you from fulfilling your mission.

Engage your constituents, enable new and improved services, and deliver results by gaining access to artificial intelligence (AI) and big data management.

Operational Resilience Enables Stability in Service

Resilience and agility is a must in every sector. By 2025, it’s predicted that over 50% of government agencies will have worked to modernize critical core legacy applications to do just that. Automating processes will be key in this, using AI and machine learning to quickly respond to constituents.

Stronger data analytics are also needed to drive smarter business decisions, which will be aided by improved government and education technology solutions to adapt to market changes in real time. This is a goal for 60% of government AI and data analytics investments.

IT Challenges Faced by the Public Sector

Cyberattacks and ransomware targeting schools reached record highs last year, with K-12 schools being the most targeted sector. Data security, resiliency, compliance, and regulatory standards are not optional measures. 

A shortage in IT talent is also leading more companies to use managed service providers for security and cloud services. 

A lack of process automation and efficiency in organization is still a pain point for many organizations, as cited by a third of nonprofit leaders. Improving automation will be key to driving organizations technologically forward. 

What We Do

Keep your team focused on your mission. We’ll help you deliver for your constituents. A Benos Global Consult partnership helps our clients expand their team automatically. 

Our experts manage both time-consuming IT tasks and offer services and solutions from a diverse array of skill sets. All while meeting compliance standards. 

Balance Stable Service and Innovation

Your organization needs to be able to focus on its mission. But it also needs to balance pressures of delivering necessary services with the risk and cost of digital change needed for success. Transforming in a fast-paced digital context while staying committed to public service values can be a struggle. Your funding can also be put at risk if you fail to keep up.

With the right tools and IT infrastructure, you can improve digital experiences and information management to deliver more results – while also improving data security and uptime.

Manage the Data Deluge with the Cloud

Data growth will continue across all industries, including public and nonprofit sectors. Outdated systems can make it difficult or impossible to keep personal and financial records safe from incoming threats. A high-performing system, coupled with powerful data analytics, can help you automate and deliver personalized communications.

Modern data management and storage technologies allow you to manage growing volumes of data while making better use of information to achieve your organization’s mission. Secure cloud services now deliver more cost-effective, scalable, and high-performance solutions to transform core business systems.

Safeguard Data and Deliver Trusted Services

Government agencies, education institutions, and nonprofits experience a push and pull between needs and reality. 

These organizations are prime targets for cybercrime, including ransomware. However, finding and attracting cybersecurity talent can be a challenge. 

Digital transformation can deliver engaging experiences and valuable insight at a fast and frictionless pace, but not at the cost of neglecting the security of private information. 

A reputable IT security services vendor can guide you on how best to protect your organization’s data. 

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