IT Audit

Benos Global Consult LLC provides IT Security, Technology Audit and Compliance support services to our clients. We support the development and implementation of a comprehensive IT Security Programs, including IT Security compliance testing and training.

Staying ahead of the curve and at the top of the industry, we proudly advice our customers on IT security requirement solution options, developing solution migration/implementation plans, and assisting with risk measurement and determination

IT Security, Cybersecurity & Network Security Audit

Our security audit experts will perform a complete Cyber Security Audit, Compliance Audit, and Data Security Audit to uncover where weaknesses and security gaps exist throughout your organization and what issues drive non-compliance. Our GRC team will use the finding from the assessment to establish an effective security program.

Our security audits can also play an important role in internal investigations when anomalies are discovered or wrongdoing is suspected. You can use our findings for any potential litigation/legal proceedings and strengthen your internal controls to mitigate future problems.

Expanded Assurance

As auditors, we provide an independent and objective review of internal controls, compliance management systems and other risks that are integral to a company’s reporting. We can assist companies with a range of permissible services focused on assurance, assessment, compliance, reporting and more.

Our IT audit services help organizations understand their key technology risks and how well they are mitigating and controlling those risks. Our professionals provide insight into the threats inherent in today’s highly complex technologies.

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